Fluoride Treatments

Because many families have decided to drink bottled water, or water that has been treated with a reverse-osmosis filtration system that removes most if not all of the fluoride that the local water company provides, in-office fluoride treatments are an important part of decay prevention for both children and adults.

The type and strength of the fluoride we use in the controlled dental environment is very different from what is in toothpaste, rinses, or even store bought brush on formulas. Because we can place the solution directly where it does the most good, and keep it in place for the required time, the benefits of in-office fluoride treatments can not be disputed. As compared to the cost, and discomfort of repairing a decayed tooth, doesn’t it make more sense to protect the tooth, and attempt to avoid decay? In-office fluoride treatments represent one of the best values modern preventive dentistry has to offer.